School Story:
While I attended regular high school I also was enrolled in the East High Trade School and wound up graduating from both. My major was electricity and my instructor had some challenging (sadistic?) projects for we students. One was a test for us to experience the power of electrical current. We stood in a circle hand to hand and he would crank up a hand-turned generator. Even this small current was so strong, we couldn't let go until he stopped cranking. It was an eye-opener for us all.
He also had a project that involved manually bending electrical conduit pipe (thankfully the thin wall version). The assignment was to make multiple right-angle bends so that the 10-foot pipe could be placed on a vertical wall and drop to the floor where it would make a 90 degree turn to a corner, another 90 degree turn to follow the floor at the wall, then a final 90 degree turn to go back up the wall vertically. This "w" shaped pipe project took me all summer to complete.