Thanks for the head start, HEHS. It's been fun:
1960-62: Enlisted, US Air Force
1966: B.S. US Air Force Academy
1966-1992: US Air Force
Pilot: U-2C, U-2R, KC-135, RB-57F, O-2A, et al
Staff Officer, HQ USAF
AF ROTC Professor of Aerospace Studies Loyola Marymount Univ
Base Commander, Los Angeles AFB and Fort MacArthur
1992: Retired, Colonel
1992: Chief Operating Officer, CALSTART Advanced Transportation Technology Consortium, Burbank, CA
1997: Vice President, Operations, Levy-Latham Global, Scottsdale AZ
2001: Executive Director, Southern Arizona Advanced Training Institute, Tucson AZ
2001-Present: Instructor in Management, University of Phoenix
2005-Present: Vice President, Global Prevention Services-Tucson